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by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Sunday, 09 February 2025 | Reading taken from Luke 8:50 (AMPC)
Luke 8:50 (AMPC), “But Jesus, on hearing this, answered him, Do not be seized with alarm or struck with fear; simply believe [in Me as able to do this], and she shall be made well.”
In Luke 8, we read how Jairus, a director of a synagogue, personally sought out Jesus to come to his home and heal his only daughter, of about 12 years old, who was nearing death. Jesus didn’t even hesitate to stop what He was doing and accompany Jairus to his home. We can only imagine the relief that must have washed over this desperate father and the fresh surge of faith and hope that filled him as Jesus purposefully took a stride toward the direction of his home. But suddenly, they were interrupted by a woman who was also desperate for the flow of power that was in Jesus. For 12 years she had been suffering from a flow of blood that even the most renowned physicians could not cure. She had spent all her living on trying to find a treatment that could heal her and was left desperate and without hope. That was until she set her eyes on Jesus, made her way to Him through the crowd, and touched the hem of His garment. Her faith took a hold of that healing power in Him, and it immediately made her well. Directly after this, Jairus received report that his daughter had died. Instantly, before he could respond to his servant, Jesus answered the shock and rising fear that was threatening to overwhelm Jairus. He didn’t want anything to come out of the desperate father’s mouth that would lead him out of faith and into fear. Hebrews 10:23 tells us to hold fast our confession of faith, without wavering, because He who promised is faithful. Jesus was not bothered by the sudden interruption on His way to heal Jairus’s daughter. The same flow of power to heal the woman would be readily available to raise this young girl from the dead. He wanted Jairus to remain in faith because wherever faith was recognized, the power would flow. Never allow unforeseen circumstances that threaten to invite faith-paralyzing fear to dominate your thoughts and change your confession of faith! Instead, do what Jesus did for Jairus - answer those thoughts with faith and the flow of power that is readily available for your victory, will flow unhindered, delivering on His promise - each time.