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Make Him Known

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Thursday, 06 February 2025 | Reading taken from Psalm 89:1 (AMP)

Psalm 89:1 (AMP) “I will sing of the goodness and lovingkindness of the Lord forever; With my mouth I will make known Your faithfulness from generation to generation.”


The decision you made to follow Jesus was the greatest decision you will ever make in this life. Your salvation is precious, a great price was paid for it! The Bible tells us both the Father and Jesus had us in mind when the decision was made to pay for our ransom. It held so much value and joy for them, that they willingly went through with it, despite the tremendous cost and horror of it all. What was endured, was done with us been seen as the ultimate prize. (Isaiah 53:10; Hebrews 12:2). Knowing what was paid for us to live this wonderful life in perfect union with the Father and the Son, through the indwelling Holy Spirit, makes it impossible to not testify of God’s goodness and mercy! Every area of our lives should reflect our grateful decision to follow Jesus for the rest of our lives! This decision was no small thing. Each day we get to deny our old, hopeless, sinful nature that once lived to alienate ourselves from God. And we willingly surrender our thoughts, words, and actions to the life of His Spirit that lives in us - following the Good Shepherd who always leads us in victory! Remember, no true follower of Christ lives entangled with the affairs of this world. We must live to know Him and make Him known. Our Saviour is coming back for us, and we will give an account for how our lives resembled His Own. The measure of attention and devotion we give to knowing Him more and embracing all He paid for us to have; will be the measure He is reflected in us. We must live as good ambassadors of our King. Be committed to building a life that speaks great things of the God we serve, a life that testifies of His goodness and faithfulness in every area. Be faithful and diligent to represent Him well, as you live to make Him known.