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Believe in His Faithfulness

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, 04 February 2025 | Reading taken from Hebrews 10:23 (ESV)

Hebrews 10:23 (ESV) “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”


We serve a faithful God who never changes and is always true to His Word. Praise God - He will never hold back any good thing from those who walk uprightly before Him (Psalm 84:11). There are a few definitions for the term “faithful”: to be steadfast, loyal, trustworthy and a promise keeper. The wonderful truth is that the faithfulness of God is not something we can earn, nor is it something we need to convince God to be. He is entirely faithful! It is His nature and character to be steadfastly dependable. Another wonderful truth is that since we have His very same nature, the nature of His Holy Spirit living within us, 1 Corinthians 6:17 says we are one spirit with Him, since we are united with Christ! So, we not only get to experience and enjoy God’s faithfulness towards us, we are able to extend that same dependable quality to those around us too. All it takes is for us to believe what the Word says about Him, and what it says about who we are in Him. As we renew our minds to these realities, we become fully convinced of them, stepping into a place of rest as we trust the Lord to be faithful to honour who He says He is, and who He says He is to us - a loving, faithful Father who withholds no good thing from us. As we spend time fellowshipping with the Lord and meditating on His Word, He will reveal His nature and character to us. This is how we come to personally know and experience more and more of Him, in a rich and wonderful way. Believe in His faithfulness today. Remember, it’s not something you have to strive or beg for, it’s simply who He is. He is ready to show Himself strong on your behalf as you open your heart and come to Him in faith. Allow Him to make your life a testimony of His faithfulness to you.