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by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, 19 November 2024 | Reading taken from Jeremiah 1:5 (NLT)
Jeremiah 1:5 (NLT), “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as My prophet to the nations.”
The calling of God is a powerful thing. In the Old Testament, God appointed prophets to hear what was on His heart, and then proclaim it to the people. Many times, the words they were given were not just for the hearers but had significance for generations that were still to come in the future. What was important was to declare God’s Word so that it could be fulfilled in the earth. Just as the call came forth for Jeremiah, in the New Testament, every born-again child of God, has the ability to hear His voice and declare His will. It’s God’s desire to reveal His purpose to His children. He wants us to turn our attention to Him and hear His voice. He has given us His written Word, which is a safe-guard and fact-check to measure what we hear by. His Spirit will never contradict His Word, so we can be sure that when what we hear by His Spirit aligns with His written Word - it is His will. God created us to be in Him, before the foundation of the world. He planned for each of us to be wonderfully and intentionally made and designed for His specific purpose. The point is the purpose we were created to fulfil can never be found outside of God. As we become diligent in seeking Him, by spending time studying His Word, fellowshipping with Him over it, and praying in the Spirit, He is faithful to reveal His heart to us and the specific plan for our lives. As we pursue Him and His Kingdom, and delight in Him and His ways, when we ask, we most certainly will be answered! God told Jeremiah that he had no need to worry about where to go, or what to say when he got there. As long as he obeyed God’s lead, he would step into his purpose. God guaranteed that He would direct him and put His own words in his mouth. The Father was indicating that He would be with Jeremiah every step of the way, while Jeremiah committed to follow Him. Since we have been filled with His Holy Spirit, we have been given the same promise and guarantee - so learn to recognize His voice and trust Him to lead you one step at a time into the destiny He has called you to.