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Faith in the Working

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, 07 December 2021 | Reading taken from Genesis 6:18 (AMPC)

Genesis 6:18 (AMPC): "But I will establish My covenant (promise, pledge) with you, and you shall come into the ark - you and your sons and your wife and your sons" wives with you."/em>

Hebrews 11 is about ordinary people doing extraordinary things because they heard from God and were willing to obey Him. Our faith is built on the foundation of trusting God in our simple acts of personal obedience. As we keep our focus on what His Word says regarding who we are in Him and what He has promised us, our confidence grows. That's because we are seeing life from His perspective! As we come into agreement with Him, we draw the atmosphere of heaven right into our lives and circumstances. We essentially invade our natural world with the power and reality of God's supernatural world! This is faith in the working, where God's voice of truth becomes more dominant than the voice of the world around us. When Noah built the ark, he had to stay in a place of faith to finish his assignment. Heaven's perspective had to continually dominate his heart and mind, because in the natural his assignment seemed absolutely foolish. He had to remain in that place of faith until the ark was a manifest reality! Choose to align yourself with God's perspective today; let His voice dominate all others, and see heaven move on your behalf as His promises become your manifest reality too.