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Settle It!

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Sunday, 14 November 2021 | Reading taken from Romans 4:20 (NLT)

Romans 4:20 (NLT): "Abraham never wavered in believing God's promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God."

If we are going to see God's promises become our reality, and His peace something that dominates our minds and emotions, we must learn to recognise the tactics of our enemy (the devil). John 10:10 says the thief (devil) comes to kill, steal, and destroy any good in our lives. His strategy is to manipulate circumstances to put pressure on us in such a way that we exchange our peace and faith for frustration, fear, or even anger. That's why we must, at all cost, protect our peace and keep faith alive in our hearts - while we wait for the Word of God to do its work. How do we do this? The moment you feel God's peace is not being the dominating influence in your mind and emotions - go back and see where you allowed it stop being that. Any thought or conversation that caused a contradicting emotion to take the dominating role away from the peace and confident trust in God must be dealt with and exchanged with the truth of God's Word. Abraham never wavered in his trust even though He had every reason to give up hope. That's because God's reliable character to honour His word was settled in his heart! He refused to allow doubt and unbelief to shipwreck his faith in God. As a result, he received his promise and his faith grew stronger in the wait! Today, fix your heart on the truth and its results will be yours!