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Emanate His Power

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Friday, 08 October 2021 | Reading taken from Acts 5:15 (TPT)

Acts 5:15 (TPT):“In fact, when people knew Peter was going to walk by, they carried the sick out to the streets and laid them down on cots and mats, knowing the incredible power emanating from him…”


The Bible records God doing “unusual and extraordinary miracles” through ordinary people. What made them extraordinary was how they presented themselves to the Lord as conduits, allowing His supernatural power to flow through and from them. People were acquainted with the glorious power that emanated from those who were full of God. It was defined as explosive power, able to affect and change their physical reality. What’s truly remarkable is: knowing that power exists and is available to flow just as powerfully through God’s people today. His power is not only IN us, but can be released from and through us, changing the physical reality of our surroundings too. The Bible says all of creation eagerly awaits the revealing of the sons God, waiting for us to demonstrate His Power and manifest His Glory. Today, as you surrender your heart to the Lord, allowing Him to fill you afresh with His love and power – speak life over your surroundings, allowing Him to demonstrate His power wherever there is a desperate need for change.