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by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Monday, 04 October 2021 | Reading taken from Luke 22:31 (TPT)

John 3:6 (AMP): “That which is born of the flesh is flesh [the physical is merely physical], and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”


How can one stand up in confidence and declare to be fearless in a world filled with chaos, disorder, concern and confusion? A good start is to know who our God is! Living with the knowledge that our God is greater than anything that can ever come against us is wonderful; but understanding He is completely committed to be in us, with us, and for us is awesome! He has filled us with His Holy Spirit, and given us His written word that is full of truth, and is life and peace. He has given us His Name which is above every other name, and authorized us to exercise His power everywhere we go. Walking in the revelation of who God is, what He has given us, and who He has called us to be in Him instills all the confidence and boldness we will ever need to live victoriously. While many around us rely and stand on natural things, all they know is what they can physically see around them. We are called to live above this, we have been positioned and authorized to live by God’s Spirit, by His Word – in victory, boldness and authority. You have been called to live without fear and concern, in a world filled with it! So live in the Spirit and be fearless today!