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Now I Have Seen You

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Wednesday, 13 January 2021 | Reading taken from Job 42:5 (NLT)

Job 42:5 (NLT): "I had only heard about You before, but now I have seen You with my own eyes."

The Word says Job was a man of integrity, who feared God and stayed away from evil (Job 1:1). This is something many believers can identify with. Then Job finds himself thrust in the midst of great hardship. During this time we see him suffer great loss, receive poor advice from his wife and friends, and do some extensive introspection where some of his own incorrect perceptions of God come to surface. Yet, once he walked through that terrible time, He noticed how God's hand had never left Him, and continued to lead Him out of hopelessness into extreme blessing. Regardless of what we may find ourselves walking through in this life, every trial or persecution must be seen as an opportunity to encounter God and see Him turn it around for His glory. When we look back in our lives, surely we can say how God has kept us, how hope anchored in Him and our expectation of Him never failed but brought us through victoriously! These are the moments we get to truly know God. We see and experience Him as the faithful and exceedingly good Father He is. Like it was for Job, this is something nothing and no-one could ever take away from us.