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The Key to Great Exploits

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Wednesday, 21 October 2020 | Reading taken from Daniel 11:32 (NKJV)

Daniel 11:32 (NKJV): "... the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits."

Did you know you were created and destined, before the foundation of the earth, to do great things for God? No matter how insignificant your life may seem, God has a wonderful plan and destiny marked out for you. How do we walk out this plan? The Bible says those who know their God, shall be strong and carry out exploits. To know God this way is to know His thoughts and ways so well, they become your own. It's to be so sensitive and attentive to His heart and voice within you that you are moved by what moves Him, and drawn to what draws Him. It's the same relationship Jesus had with His Heavenly Father when He was on the earth. He only spoke what He heard His Father say, and acted on what His Father led Him to do. As a result, His life here was marked with an extraordinary display of strength and ability to carry out His Father's perfect will. Just like Jesus, you can know God by seeking Him in the quiet place and drawing near to Him through His Word each day. Then you will be strong and do great exploits for Him.