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A Door Wide Open

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, 07 April 2020 | Reading taken from 1 Corinthians 16:9 (NLT)

1 Corinthians 16:9 (NLT): "There is a wide-open door for a great work here, although many oppose me."

Are you trusting the Lord for increase in your life? You'll be pleased to know He specialises in opening up doors that seem to be "impossible" to open. No matter what or who is opposing you stepping through that door that leads to your miracle, you should know the Bible says the Lord opens up doors no one - not even the devil - can shut!The key is to draw near to the Lord; to fill yourself with His Word and let the faith that comes from that dominate every opposing voice. Think, speak, and act according to that Word and you will see that door open up wide before you. Then be sure to keep trusting the Lord with all your heart and let His Holy Spirit keep guiding you by His Word. This way you'll walk right through one door and to the next, as you continue to be led from one degree of increase and glory to the next. Today, thank the Lord for wide-open doors of opportunity He opens up for you to walk right through!