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How should we Pray?

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Wednesday, 22 January 2020 | Reading taken from Luke 11:1 (NIV)

Luke 11:1 (NIV): "Lord, teach us to pray."

The words of Jesus in Luke 11 give us a descriptive prayer model to follow. Jesus taught us to pray efficiently for supernatural results. We always begin by praising and acknowledging God, for Who He is. Psalm 104:4 instructs us to enter God's presence this way, with hearts overflowing with praise and thanksgiving. Then Jesus said we must declare God's Word and His will on earth and in our lives, just as it is in heaven. Next, we must ask and trust Him to be the source of our provision as we cast all our cares on him; being confident He meets all our needs as we seek Him first. Then, Jesus said we can fully trust in God's divine protection from evil, as we follow His lead away from temptation. We are taught to always end our time of prayer declaring the kingdom, glory, and power belong to our God forever! What a privilege to make such a joyful declaration of having His perfect will and supremacy over our lives! What an awesome God we serve, Who has given us the confidence to boldly approach His throne of grace, knowing we will be lovingly received and heard! To waste the opportunity would be pure foolishness.