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by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, 14 January 2020 | Reading taken from Psalm 144:13 (TPT)

Psalm 144:13 (TPT): "Our barns will be filled to the brim, overflowing with the fruits of our harvest..."

Are you ready to reap an abundant harvest in your life? Fruit overflowing in your barn is a wonderful promise! In the Word of God, fruit speaks of evidence of God's workmanship in our lives. Whether it be provision, excellent character that resembles His own, favour and well-being in our relationships, even success in our businesses. All these things account for fruitfulness in our lives. For this kind of harvest to manifest we must continuously sow the incorruptible seed of God's Word into our hearts and minds. We must believe what it says, and allow it to change our way of thinking. Then, when we're careful to speak in line with it's truth, our words carry the power of that seed and sow it into the atmosphere. That doesn't mean we speak into the air and the words are lost the moment they're released. No, God promises when His Word goes out our mouths it will ALWAYS PRODUCE what it says! Start sowing good seed into your life and release it through your words. You'll begin reaping an abundant harvest that will fill up and overflow in every area of your life!