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by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, 10 December 2019 | Reading taken from Romans 6:7 (NLT)

Romans 6:7 (NLT):"For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin."

At times you may feel it's impossible to shake off those annoying sins and habits that keep you from living in God's best for your life. The truth is: sin holds no power over us except what we allow it to have. When Christ died, He died as us - with our sinful natures - not only for us. So when, through faith, we accept that marvellous reality, we become new creatures - completely free from the power of sin. We don't have to "re-write" our stories; we can start a completely new book! The old is GONE, and the NEW has come. Even though the old life tries to creep in, we can choose to live from the victory of the cross. We do this by continuously renewing our minds to the Word of God. This is how we combat and overcome any thoughts that contradict the truth of God's Word concerning us. Before giving into any form of temptation to sin, allow the Holy Spirit - Who lives within you - to lead you to His truth...where you will gain the confidence and power you need to walk away from sin and straight into victory - because you are free!