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No More Ignorance

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, 10 September 2019 | Reading taken from Acts 17:30 (AMPC)

Acts 17:30 (AMPC): "Such [former] ages of ignorance God, it is true, ignored and allowed to pass unnoticed; but now He charges all people everywhere to repent (to change their minds for the better and heartily to amend their ways, with abhorrence of their past sins)"

The day Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins to be forgiven, with His Own blood on the cross, was the day the excuse of ignorance concerning Him ended. All over the world the Gospel of Jesus Christ is carried and preached to people everywhere, regardless of nationality, background, social status, or personal choice. There is no option when it comes to eternal salvation. God has clearly told us to repent. This means we are to have a complete change of mind concerning our thoughts, our attitudes, the words we speak, and our actions. As reborn, Holy Spirit filled children of God, we have a God-given responsibility to present the truth about God to people and how lost we are without Him. When we allow the Holy Spirit to use us, He will give us the boldness to bring the light of the Gospel to people who are still uninformed about it. He will give us the compassion and insight we need to successfully break through the walls of hardened hearts and reach them with the truth of Who Jesus is, and how He can save them.