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Your Strength and Song!

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Sunday, 18 August 2019 | Reading taken from Exodus 15:2 (NLT)

Exodus 15:2 (NLT): "The Lord is my strength and my song; He has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise Him my father's God, and I will exalt him!"

Do you realise that, as a believer, you already have the advantage concerning any situation that arises in your life? No matter what your enemy, the devil, has set up to get you down, you immediately have the upper hand! That's because you have access to the Word of God, and have the greatest teacher and trainer this world will ever know - living inside you. The Word contains all the principles, promises, and answers you will ever need to overcome in this life. And when you allow the Holy Spirit to become your comforter and counsellor, and the One to lead you in His truth - He becomes your strength and your song too! Joy unspeakable and full of glory is what we experience when we've learnt how to surrender, learn from and walk with the Holy Spirit! Joy in the Lord is what we receive! So don't allow the enemy to steal away that joy, at any cost. Stand strong in your faith in God and His Word; and with joy, begin to see life happen through you - not merely to you.