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According to His Word

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, 06 August 2019 | Reading taken from Luke 5:5 (KJV)

Luke 5:5 (KJV)And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.”


Peter worked all night to catch fish, with no success. The moment Jesus instructed him to change his fishing tactic, he trusted Him enough to take Him at His word. The truth is: Peter had reason enough to not take the advice Jesus gave him. He was an experienced fisherman with years of experience under his belt. He must have been frustrated for striving all night to catch fish and not being able to catch a thing. Sometimes we find ourselves in the same predicament as Peter. We feel like we have been working hard at a particular task, with little to no result to show for all our effort. What will change the circumstances of our lives for the better is to not give up, but to quieten ourselves, and seek the Lord. When we come to Him, surrendering all our efforts and frustrations,  and then wait for Him; His Spirit will speak a word into our hearts. Like Peter, we need to believe and trust the word of God and take action on whatever He leads us to do. From our faith filled obedience our breakthrough will come. All that is required of us is to still ourselves in His Presence to hear His instruction and walk in His revealed will for our lives. When we do, we will enjoy miraculous results, just as Peter did.