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by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Friday, 02 August 2019 | Reading taken from Ephesians 3:12 (NIV)

Ephesians 3:12 (NIV): "In Him and through faith in Him, we may approach God with freedom and confidence."

It's such a joy to know we don't have to base our confidence to overcome and succeed in life on our own abilities, or our own achievements. Nor do we ever have to compare ourselves to others to feel like we're strong, or talented, or clever enough. When we have learnt to put our trust in the Lord and know how to be built up in Him, we will have all the confidence we need to face whatever life brings our way. The key is: knowing we can come boldly into His throne room to be filled with His love and empowered with His grace to help us in our time of need. That's how Joshua was able to lead God's people into the Promised Land. His own abilities and experience would never measure up to his predecessor, Moses. His confidence had to come from knowing His God was with him, and that He had promised to never leave him in all he would be expected to do. So don't be overwhelmed or discouraged by what lies ahead of you, confidently draw near to the Lord and learn to place your trust in Him He will be the confidence you need to move forward and succeed in all you put your hand to.