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Ask Before You Act

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Monday, 03 June 2019 | Reading taken from Jeremiah 33:3 (AMPC)

Jeremiah 33:3 (AMPC): "Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand)."

There is nothing hidden from God. He not only knows all things, He understands exactly what is needed in every situation we face - just when we need it. He also has all the power and resources required to get the job done most effectively. When you are tempted to jump into action and take matters into your own hands, take a moment to realise that God - in all His wisdom - knows full well what the most appropriate plan of action is, and He is more than willing and able to help and guide you in each step. So, before you do anything, pray and ask the Lord what He would have you do. Then, after you receive His instructions, follow them and watch His supernatural power come into action and solve every problem you are facing.