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Let God Be Your Teacher

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Sunday, 07 April 2019 | Reading taken from Matthew 5: 2 (KJV):

Matthew 5: 2 (KJV): "Then He opened His mouth and taught them"

Being in Partnership with God requires us to live the way He wants us to live. It means to choose right over wrong, no matter what society's popular opinion may be. The Word of God is the absolute truth; it's the moral compass that always keeps us walking in the light of His blessing. Life and peace come from following His ways, and His Holy Spirit has promised to personally teach us and guide us into this redeeming truth that has the power to continuously save our souls. No matter how convincing the majority's reasoning's and arguments may seem, don't be swept away by their foolishness and deception. Let God's truth be engraved on your heart so you can stand out and be that standard that makes a difference in a lost and seeking world.