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Thoroughly Equipped

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Wednesday, 20 February 2019 | Reading taken from 2 Timothy 3:17 (AMPC)

2 Timothy 3:17 (AMPC): "So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work."


Setting off on a journey can be so much fun, especially when you know you are well equipped and prepared to handle any challenges or unforeseen circumstances along the way. Years ago, our family embarked on a road trip up Africa. We travelled in a vehicle that was well equipped for the rough terrain and somewhat treacherous roads. We were well prepared for the journey with tools, extra fuel, and supplies to keep us moving to where we needed to go. We were pretty confident that no matter what we faced, we had all the necessary equipment to navigate our way safely through each dry river bed crossing and the extremely rural terrain. Throughout that trip we were exceedingly grateful for the hours of preparation we had invested in equipping ourselves. We constantly came across challenging circumstances that would have significantly delayed our progress or even stopped our trip short, had we not taken the time and effort to prepare. In 2 Timothy 3:16 & 17, Paul lays out the same importance of being fully equipped and well prepared for the journey of life. If we are going to successfully navigate through the constant turns and changes, and overcome every challenging circumstance we encounter - we must be well fitted and thoroughly furnished to do so. We do this by investing wholeheartedly in the Word of God. When we believe God's Word to be the final authority of life, and drink deeply of its wisdom, we will find it fills our hearts and minds with truth that brings a constant flow of life and peace and strength to endure and enjoy our life's journey. Through every difficulty we will be well equipped to handle whatever we face as long as we remain well rooted and established in the Word. It must become our practical wisdom to guide, protect and carry us safely and efficiently throughout our lives. Remember - any time spent meditating on the Word of God is well spent, and an excellent preparation, to fully equip us for life.