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Our Good Shepherd

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Saturday, 15 December 2018 | Reading taken from John 10:7 (AMPC)

In this remarkable passage of John 10, Jesus explains His role in being the Good Shepherd Who leads us into an abundant, full life here on earth, and then into eternity with Him when we die. He reminds us of how insignificant our own attempts to lead a life of righteousness and freedom from sin are, and that only through Him can we really be safe, secure and free. We certainly are lost without Him, and can be easily led astray into danger if we don't keep our eyes fixed on Him and remain vitally connected to Him. In John 10:14, Jesus says that He knows and recognises His Own, and that His own know and recognise Him. Two important truths stand out in this verse, firstly, that Jesus is good, and secondly, just as we are recognised and known by Him, He is recognised and known by us. This encourages us to confidently trust, and surrender every aspect of our lives to the Lord, including the responsibility of them! That means when we realize our finances, every material possession, our spouse, our children, and even our bodies are His; we can trust Him to take good care of everything that concerns us, because He is our Good Shepherd! It's His goodness that will always satisfy us and bring us great joy, irrespective of what we face in this life. When we know we belong to God, and are under His protection and His provision, we ALWAYS have this hope: His intention for us is good and is exactly what our outcome will be, as we trust Him and follow His lead.