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Courage to Possess What Is Yours

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Thursday, 06 December 2018 | Reading taken from Joshua 1:31 (NIV)

Moses was commanded by God to lead the Israelite's out of Egypt, their land of slavery, to a land full of good things which the Lord had chosen for them. The Lord promised the Israelite's would surely possess that promised land even though there were obstacles in the way and very formidable challenges to face. For one, the inhabitants of that land were not only fierce, they were intimidating in size. When the time came for Joshua to cross over the Jordan and take possession of their promise, he was fully aware of their survival and victory being completely dependent on hearing, obeying and trusting God's explicit instructions. Every step forward would need to be guided by Him. As long as they stayed in tune with His Words, victory was assured and His promise became their reality. No matter how daunting or fearsome the obstacle - it would be no match to the power of God and His miraculous provision. As we hold on to the promise God has given us, being careful to follow His lead each step of the way, we will walk in the reality of His power and provision in spite of the challenges and obstacles along the way. This journey of victory through faith is our inheritance to enjoy - so be courageous and move forward taking possession of what is already yours in Christ.