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by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Wednesday, 07 November 2018 | Reading taken from Job 23:13 (AMPC)

It's true - God is sovereign and He will do exactly what He wants to do. That doesn't make Him unpredictable, on the contrary - it makes Him more predictable than ever! We know exactly what God wants, His will is His written word, and He has chosen to be bound to it. God's Word is what He wants for us, and that is never going to change. God will ALWAYS remain faithful to His promises and principles. The Bible says He honours His Word as Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13 says God remains true and faithful to His Word and His righteous character, and He cannot deny Himself. We read in Romans 4:21 that Abraham believed this about God. In fact, even when all hope seemed lost, he was, "...Fully persuaded and assured that God was able and mighty to keep His word and to do what He had promised." This pleased God so much that He accredited Abraham's faith in God's unwavering accountability to His Word as righteousness! How wonderful to know that we can rely on God this way too, knowing He is totally dependable. Romans 33 tells us that if we believe in God and completely adhere to, trust in, and rely on Him, we will not be put to shame nor be disappointed in our expectations, because He will never go back on His Word. John 3:33 declares that God is true and cannot lie, don't you see, that is never going to change about Him. Just as 1 Corinthians 1:9 says God is faithful, reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on - we can take His Word at face value and know that, just like Him, it will never change. Today, choose to agree with what God says - believe, trust in, and rely completely on Him - He will do what He has set out to do. His plans for you are only good!