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Reflect His Joy In You

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Saturday, 03 November 2018 | Reading taken from Zephaniah 3:17 (AMPC)

In this beautiful piece of scripture the words themselves seem to dance with joy! Did you notice three distinctive promises laid out for us here. God rejoices over us with joy; He does not mention or accuse us of past sin; and He exults over us with singing! Did you also note how this verse begins with the phrase, 'The Lord is in the midst of you'! Nothing about us is hidden from Him and yet He still rejoices over us! Do you remember the scripture that says we love Him because He first loved us? (1 John 4:19). Well just the same, this verse says we rejoice in God because God rejoices in us. MacLarens' Exposition puts it this way, "For every throb of joy in man's heart, there is a wave of gladness in Gods. His joy is in self-impartation... His gladness is in His children when they let Him love them, and do not throw back His love on itself... He is glad when His face is mirrored in ours, and the rays from Him are reflected from us." God rejoices over us because He sees and knows what the power of His love can and will do for us. As we surrender to the perfect love of God, we are assured that He has already equipped us with everything we need to overcome what's troubling us. This is more than enough reason to send ripples of joy through us, reflecting the wave of God's joy and exuberant dancing over us!