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by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Wednesday, 24 October 2018 | Reading taken from Ephesians 3:20 (NLT)
God is able! The Bible says His mighty power is in us, by His Holy Spirit, and is at work! That means if we step out of the way from constantly trying to fix or control things in our own strength and human wisdom, we can rely on God to supply us with everything we need to come out on top every time! How do we do this? To begin with, we must make filling ourselves with the truth of His Word our priority. That's because the Word produces faith in us and it gives us God's perspective on things. While we are in His Word, we connect with Him in prayer, committing everything concerning us to Him, and drawing on His practical wisdom and peace. Then throughout the day, before we respond to anything, we yield to the Presence of God within us. We quietly ask the Holy Spirit to intervene and give us His perspective. When we have it, we do what He prompts us to do, we speak the words He puts in our heart. We make a conscious decision to rely on His strength and hold onto His peace in all things. If He leads us to pray in the Spirit, we obey and let His perfect will be declared over every circumstance. In other words, deliberately yielding our will to the Lord, and being ever sensitive to His leading, is what will give Him the reigns to set His mighty power to work in us. That power is what will accomplish what the Bible calls, "...infinitely more than we might ask or think." So set your heart and mind on Him today, and let His mighty power do it's work in you.