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Walking, talking and acting like Jesus

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Thursday, 18 October 2018 | Reading taken from Galatians 2:20 (NKJV)

When Jesus walked this earth, He did everything by the unction of the Holy Spirit. The Word teaches us that He never spoke or did a thing without being in harmony with His Father's will for Him. This life of obedience and cooperation with the Spirit of God was modelled by Jesus for us. He was showing us that when we learn how to yield to and rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit, we too can walk in a consistent partnership with Him. In today's scripture reading, Paul is telling us this is a very real possibility! He reminds us that our old, sinful nature that sought to be independent from God is gone. It's dead and buried, it was crucified with Christ when we surrendered our lives to His Lordship. Now, it's no longer us who call the shots or make the decisions or allow our carnal emotions to rule and influence our will. No, it's the Spirit of the Living God that sits on the throne of our lives; and everything He tells us to do, we do! We do this by deliberately spending time in His Word and in prayer, and learning how to operate in and by His Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 12:38, the Bible tells us to earnestly pursue spiritual gifts, while we are full of and operating in the compassion and love of God. With these two things - God's love and the gifts of the Spirit operating in our lives, we will effectively be led and controlled by the Spirit of God, just like Jesus was. We have His Word to teach us how and His Holy Spirit to quicken it to us and empower us to work in a powerful partnership with Him. It's time to take what Paul said to heart, we must believe the Word and trust the Holy Spirit to work in and through us just as He did in Jesus.