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Overcome the Flesh

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Friday, 10 August 2018 | Reading taken from Proverbs 28:13 (KJV)

If you are a born again believer who is battling to kick a bad habit of sin out your life, and you've had enough of it pulling you down and holding you back from a victorious life in Christ; it's time to take charge and overcome! The problem is, the issue you are dealing with has become bigger to you than your faith to overcome it. In other words, you can't see yourself as someone who has overcome. First, be sure to separate yourself from places, people and circumstances that entice you to sin. Then know this truth: Jesus has already dealt with your sin. He has overcome it for you and washed you clean of it. It has no power over you at all. However, the devil has lied to you and made such an issue of it, that it's become all you can think and worry about. That's no way to live! That's bondage, and it's all based on a lie. This is how you move from bondage to victory: Have a new perspective to focus on, 1 John 5:4 is a great place to begin! It says, "For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith." Since you are born of God, you are victorious over the world! That means no matter what you think is holding you back from being whole and free in God, has NO POWER over you! In fact, because of Jesus inside of you - YOU HAVE POWER OVER IT! Now, picture yourself facing that temptation that normally leads you to sin. Picture yourself not responding to it, but rather turning your back on it. See yourself beginning to praise and worship the Lord. Focus on how mighty and powerful He is. Before you know it, whatever was trying to tempt you has lost its power and run from the presence of God that is in and all around you. Every time you are tempted to sin, don't just picture this, do it! Before long the devil will see he no longer has power to control you, and he will leave you alone, because you have overcome!