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Rejoice and Stand Your Ground!

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Wednesday, 08 August 2018 | Reading taken from Romans 5:3

Now, this is a verse that religious people like to quote to make you think the trouble you are going through is from the Lord, and that He wants you to accept and suffer through it, for His glory. But that isn't what Paul is saying at all! Read this scripture in context, and you'll see the very opposite is true! Even Jesus said that trouble, pressure and hardship will be in this world, but we must be of good cheer, because He has overcome the world and in doing so, has given us the power to overcome every hardship too! The affliction hasn't come from the Lord, He has given us everything we need to overcome it! The Bible says when the pressure is on, and the devil tries to pull you down and steal your victory, it's time to stand your ground in God's Word and rejoice! Rejoice while you are in hardship, not for the hardship, because that rejoicing is going to get you right out of it! Rejoice that you are in Christ and that His power is far greater than what you are facing. Rejoice because that unstoppable power is alive and at work in and for you! Rejoice that God is Almighty, and is for you! Rejoice that He has made you more than a conqueror and works all things for your good! Double up on your time in the Word, increase your praying in the Holy Ghost! You will feel His peace and joy well up inside you. Because you refuse to be moved by your circumstances and choose to only see what God's Word says, you can begin to speak His Word over your circumstances with strong, courageous faith. You declare and establish God's perfect will from a position of victory, understanding you are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, to reign in life! Do you see what Paul was speaking about, this kind of attitude in the midst of trouble is what produces steadfast patience and steady endurance, because we have chosen to rejoice and stand our ground in God's Word, and delight ourselves in Him, in the midst of the muck! So rejoice and stand your ground - victory is yours!