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Pray in the Holy Spirit

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Friday, 06 July 2018 | Reading taken from 1 Corinthians 14:2

The Bible teaches us that praying in tongues is evidence of being filled with the Spirit of God. It is a sign of His power being alive and activated inside of us, a gift of the Holy Spirit, for every believer. Paul teaches about speaking in unknown tongues as a language not understood by anyone but the Spirit of God. A spiritual language communicated between His Spirit and ours. As we pray in tongues, we pray the perfect will of God in and over our lives and any situation His Spirit leads us to pray over. The devil doesn't understand it, so he can't interfere. Our natural mind doesn't understand it either, preventing our own reasoning from interfering with our faith. Praying in the Spirit or tongues, activates and stirs up the power of the Holy Spirit inside of us, like powering us up from the inside. It makes the power of God, that resides inside us, rise up, energise and dominate every part of us. It's a wonderful gift that empowers and strengthens the believer as we speak God's perfect will into existence. 1 Corinthians 14:4 says, "He who speaks in a [strange] tongue edifies and improves himself,...". And Jude 1:20 says, "But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit;" (AMPC). Paul encourages us to regularly operate in this gift, to energise our spirits and worship God in Spirit and truth, releasing His perfect will in our lives. The faith required to receive Jesus as your personal Saviour, is the same faith required to receive the gift of tongues. Simply ask the Holy Spirit to release it in your life and begin to speak. Start worshipping Him in your own language and He will spontaneously release syllables into your speaking. Don't stop, just let it flow from His Spirit, and out your mouth. By faith, receive God's gift to you today, building and empowering you from the inside out.