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Fan the Fire

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, 03 July 2018 | Reading taken from 2 Timothy 1:6

The fire of God's Holy Spirit, burning in our hearts, produces a passion for saving souls. The greatest harvest of souls the church has ever seen is about to take place, and it will be the result of the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in believers. Many revivals have taken place throughout the world, but few people seem to have recognized their purpose. Some have thought revivals are just a means for feeling good, of dancing and crying, and having our hearts healed and restored. All these wonderful things are certainly part of what revival brings, they are a necessary prelude to the divine purpose of revival. They cause luke warm hearts, and passive faith to be turned into fiery passion for God's primary concern. That is to see lives snatched from the fire of hell, and brought into His kingdom of love and grace. Now there is a dangerously false doctrine that's seeping into the church, it teaches that hell is not an actual place, in fact, it doesn't even exist. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that it is a very real and terrible place. To be eternally separated from the presence of God, suffering and being violently tormented for the consequence of sin, is not God's will for anyone. It is His desire that no one should perish, but that all should turn to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). When God's Holy Fire burns strong in our hearts, His desire for all people to encounter Jesus and be saved, burns in us too. So fan up that inner fire by being fully devoted to the things of God, and allow the Holy Spirit to use you to ignite His fire in the lives of all He brings across your path.