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Be the Standard

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Monday, 02 July 2018 | Reading taken from Isaiah 59:19

Every born-again child of God has a divine or heavenly assignment. It's different to your earthly assignment. The One Who Connects you with your heavenly assignment is the Holy Spirit. David began to connect with his heavenly assignment when he heard Goliath 'bullying' God's people, and insulting the covenant they had with the Almighty God. So God stirred in him a holy anger that filled him with godly courage and purpose. In the hands of God, he became the standard that was raised up against the enemy that day, and changed the course of history. Who's to say that the thing in the world that upsets you deeply, because it goes directly against the word and ways of God, is your assignment to bring change? The Lord didn't call you to only survive or maintain the status quo, but to push through with holy fervent faith, and fulfill your assignment, by bringing the change that is needed. It's the Holy Spirit Who compels you to stand up against the tide of darkness and bring change. Remember, evil only prevails when good men and women do nothing. Faith is not passive, it's powerfully progressive. So don't ever be ashamed of standing up for God and His truth, no matter how intense the flood of evil is in this world. Keep your life full of the power of God and let the Holy Spirit raise you up as His standard against the deception of the devil. Remember, your heavenly assignment is connected to people, to see souls turned to God and brought into His kingdom. Your purpose is eternal. So never find yourself outside of the will of God, keep His Word alive in your heart and be ever sensitive to His leading. Be that standard He raises up in these last days and put the enemy to flight by the rushing stream of God's Spirit flowing out of you.