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Children of Our Father

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Monday, 18 June 2018 | Reading taken from John 1:12 (NLT)

This scripture clearly tells us that through believing and accepting Jesus, we have the right to become children of God. Romans 8:17 says that if we are His children then we are also His heirs, and joint heirs with Christ, sharing His inheritance with Him. What is that inheritance? We inherit the kingdom of God. That's far more than going to heaven when we leave earth. It means living in the fullness of life that Jesus has secured for us while we are still in this world. Every promise and freedom Jesus died for, is ours to receive and enjoy, by faith. Sadly, many Christians believe we can only enjoy these things when we get to heaven. But in heaven we don't need to believe God for healing or deliverance or salvation. No, our inheritance is for us here and now. Hebrews 9:16-17 says that a will and testament is valid and takes effect only at death, since it has no force or legal power as long as the one who made it is alive. Then the Word goes on to declare that Jesus Himself died and shed His own blood to ratify the agreement of our inheritance! What a terrible shame for us to have everything needed for a full, victorious life, and never appropriate our faith to receive it. How terribly sad to just accept whatever the devil throws at us, or be content with what circumstances dictate to us; when we have been given the authority and power to have all things submit to and come in line with the promises of God. And how could we, in all honesty, stand before the Lord and say we never embraced the gift of His Holy Spirit to live and move and have our being in Him - being filled with and operating in His limitless power to be a blessing and establish His kingdom on this earth? It's time to understand who you are child of God, and to live in full co-operation with the Holy Spirit so you can live in the inheritance that has been made available to you.