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Faith in God

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, 12 June 2018 | Reading taken from Hebrews 11:6 (NLT)

We may be living in difficult and dangerous times, and the pressures and struggles of life can certainly threaten to steal away our peace and hope. That's all the more reason for us to be confident and rejoice in the fact that we know God intimately, in this world. Because we are vitally connected to Him, we live and move and have our being in Him. We are in not dependent on our own limited abilities, His Spirit is the source of our inner strength and power. Adding to this marvellous hope, is that we are able to live in the fulfilment of every one of God's covenant promises. At the point of our salvation, the Word says we were transferred out from the kingdom of darkness, into the kingdom of light. We have inherited every promise in God's Word, and as we live by its kingdom principles, we receive every benefit of being heirs to His kingdom. Godly wisdom, and knowledge, and discernment are freely available to us, as we yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit, Who lives inside us. When we make a decision to live controlled by the Spirit, and keep His Word alive in our hearts, being careful to follow its practical wisdom, we walk in grace and favour regardless of the circumstances that oppose us. Choosing to keep Christ Jesus and His kingdom principles our priority, lays a formidable foundation for victory in our lives. This life of the Spirit operates by a steadfast faith in God and all that pertains to Him. Only a person that has chosen to put His full faith in God, never wavering from trusting His good character, can approach the future with true confidence. Our faith in God is what causes us to withstand every evil power and advance in victory over every circumstance. You will overcome, as you choose to have faith in God today.