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Let God's Love Flow

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Sunday, 10 June 2018 | Reading taken from Philippians 1:9 (NLT)

The Apostle Paul told the church of Philippi that if they allowed the love of God to grow and flow in their lives, it would lead them to have a greater depth of discernment. As you read on in the Amplified Classic version, it says that as God's love abounds in us, we will learn to sense what is vital, and of real value in life. We will recognise and distinguish what things are morally excellent to do, in every situation. And as we choose to do what we inherently know is right, our hearts will be kept pure and sincere. We will be certain and steadfast in our Christian walk, right up until Christ's return. What's of most significance, is that keeping the love of God flowing strong in our lives, will ensure we will not stumble in our faith, nor cause anyone else to stumble in their walk with God either. That's a powerful message for living a good, strong and productive life in God. Now Romans 5:5 tells us the love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. It is however up to us to keep our lives open, uncluttered channels for that love to grow and flow. We must never downplay the importance of keeping our hearts full of God's love. Doesn't this emphasis the truth of Proverbs 4:23, which says, "Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flows the springs of life."? How do we keep our hearts from blocking or limiting the powerful, free flow of God's love? We must pay attention to the verses that follow Proverbs 4:23. They instruct us to keep our words in line with the truth of God's Word, and our focus fixed on doing what it teaches us to do, not deviating from its wisdom and truth. A life that delights to be yielded to the Spirit of God will flourish and stand strong in Him. Today, get your heart uncluttered, and let God's love flow!