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Jesus is the Word

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Wednesday, 09 May 2018 | Reading taken from John 6:57 (AMPC)

In John 1:1-3, we understand that Jesus is God as much as He is the Word of God. And in 2 Timothy 3:16, we are told that every scripture is God breathed, or inspired by the Spirit of God. In other words, we can confidently say that the Spirit of Jesus lives in His Word. Knowing this makes us want to embrace the Word of God more than ever, because as we receive it by faith, we are receiving the very life of Christ. What's more, the Bible says as we feed on this life, found in the Word, it has the power to nourish our spirits and renew our minds! (John 6:57 & Romans 12:2). It is impossible for any believer who approaches God's Word in this way, to not be fully satisfied and filled with supernatural peace and life. God's Word is truth, just as Jesus declared Himself to be the Truth, and it's this truth, received by faith, that has the power to make and keep us free in the life we receive from the Word of God. Decide to approach God's Word as though you were receiving the Person of Jesus Himself, feast on the truth you find in it, and be nourished, satisfied and empowered by it!