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Let God's Love Flow!

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Sunday, 06 May 2018 | Reading taken from Matthew 5:24 (NKJV)

In this portion of scripture, Jesus talks about someone bringing a lamb as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of his sins. When he reaches the alter, he remembers that he's holding a grudge against his brother. Jesus' words echo His Father's heart when He implies one cannot be a friend of God while you are an enemy to your brother! If you are holding any grudge or unforgiveness towards your brother, or sister in Christ, immediately go reconcile with that person to set your heart free from offence and bitterness. This deliberate act of obedience will allow you to walk in God's blessing again. You see, just as faith and fear cannot coexist, neither can love and bitterness. When we choose to hold onto an offence, we stop the flow of God's love in our lives. Without His love, our faith cannot work, and without faith, it's not only impossible to please God, but we are not able to inherit any of His promises from His Word. In fact, holding onto an offence causes God's Word to become inoperative in our lives. So, let's be very careful to heed the instruction of Jesus, and make right with those who have wronged us, or caused us to become offended in any way. Jesus tells us to constantly be on the look out to not become offended, and keep the fountain of God's love unblocked in our hearts, allowing it to continuously flow with His supernatural, life giving force!