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Be Supremely Joyful!

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Saturday, 05 May 2018 | Reading taken from Matthew 5:12 (KJV)

The Word tells us to be glad and supremely joyful when we face persecution for our belief in Christ Jesus. We are living in a world where living controlled by the Spirit of God, and having His Word direct our choices in life, is for the most part unpopular. Standing for righteousness is not going to win anyone a popularity contest. But Jesus tells us that when we stand out and are ridiculed for boldly following His ways, we must choose to be glad and supremely joyful! Joy is a powerful fruit of the Holy Spirit that is activated and made strong in the life of believers, especially when they are under great pressure or trial. It's a supernatural quality that infuses us with inner strength, and causes us to be fortified in peace, while war is waging on around us. That's because God's joy comes when we choose to focus on and are in harmony with His Word of life and victory. It shuts out the negativity of the enemy while it fills our hearts with spontaneous praise, springing from the truth of His Word. No matter what trial or stressful challenge you may be up against, choose to focus on what God's Word says about your situation, and as you do, allow that spontaneous praise to rise up from within your spirit, and let God's supernatural joy become your strength.