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Where is you focus?

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Thursday, 03 May 2018 | Reading taken from Matthew 6:22 (KJV)

Most people have their focus and desire set on being rich, and having material possessions. The truth is, that's not at all far from God's desire for us too. His Word tells us that He delights and takes great pleasure in the prosperity of His servants (Psalm 35:27). As partakers of His covenant, wealth and riches are part of our spiritual inheritance. The important thing to remember is that the focus for our lives must be the same and in harmony with what God's focus and desire is on. God will never bless us beyond our commitment to promote His kingdom. As long as we make Him and His interests our priority, He will pour out His blessing on us, to the extent we won't be able to contain it all. As long as our vision and desire for increase is confined to the boundaries of our own welfare, we will never experience the abundant provision the Lord has for us. Deuteronomy 8:18 tells us to remember the Lord our God, for it is He Who gives us power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant in the earth. Making the extension of His covenant our priority is what will cause supernatural increase to flow into and through our lives. Our love for the Lord and His kingdom will empower our giving and financial sowing, which is the foundation of financial prosperity. Let's purpose in our hearts to keep our focus in line with God's to invest into His kingdom, and as we do, our lives will be marked by His abundant provision.