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Constant Peace

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Saturday, 10 February 2018 | Reading taken from Isaiah 26:3

We live in an ever changing world where nothing remains the same. We encounter uncertainty and instability everywhere, causing even the strongest of hearts to worry and be in fear. Every day people are tempted to fear over the unknown, either for their futures, or financial security, their health or even their loved ones. The Word teaches us that placing our trust in worldly systems will only lead to disappointment; but when our trust is fixed and secured in God, and His covenant promises, we have a hope that is sure and steadfast. God has promised to never abandon us, nor will we ever be ashamed for putting our entire trust in Him. His Word is dependable and will always remain true, unlike our circumstances, that are always subject to change. So let's choose to keep our minds fixed on God's faithful, loving character and make His Word the final authority of our lives. As we commit ourselves completely to trusting in Him and His ways, we will see how He fulfills our lives. We will never be disappointed for making Him the stronghold of our lives. Today, let His perfect peace keep your mind in a place of safety, where you see every situation from His perspective, and operate your life accordingly. Say goodbye to fear and anxiety over your future, as you submit your entire spirit, soul and body to Him and what His Word says about you. Then expect His supernatural peace to become your constant, dependable companion.