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Be Rooted Deep in Love

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Friday, 09 February 2018 | Reading taken from Ephesians 3:17 AMPC

God is love, and to be rooted deep and founded securely in His love, we must be rooted and founded in Him. We do this by not just having a mental knowledge of Who God is and the extent of His love for us, but knowing it in our spirits and experiencing it through the work of the Holy Spirit within us. And this is not something we are to experience once in a while, but all the time. Jesus said that we must abide in Him. That means to be constantly aware of His goodness and love for us. No matter what we face in life, when we see things through the filter of Who we know God to be and the truth that He desires to see us succeed in life, our battles are already won. Our victorious spirits influence our minds and bodies with an expectancy to see His will fulfilled in our lives, regardless of how things appear in the natural. This happens when we choose to constantly renew our minds to Who the Word says God is, and what He has already accomplished for us to walk in each day. The more time we spend meditating on that, yielding our hearts to the work of the Holy Spirit, we find the miraculous begin to take place inside of us. Our souls become securely established in the truth of Who God is and His love for us. His love is the fertile soil that provides the perfect environment for the supernatural in our lives. So don't wait any longer, dig deep into His Word and renew your mind so that it becomes a fertile garden for His love to grow.