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As Christ Loved the Church

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, 06 February 2018 | Reading taken from Ephesians 5:25 KJVS

Christ' example of love for the church was so radical. We are the church, and He sacrificed Himself for us. Then, in His Word, He sets this same standard of love for all husbands towards their wives. What a contrast to the social customs and standards of that time. Women were rated as second hand citizens, only fit for serving and catering to the needs and desires of their husbands and households. They were never considered to have any value in society, other than bare children and be treated as slaves. So when Paul preached this extremely contrasting treatment of wives by their husbands, it must have sent shock waves throughout the church of that time. This was a gospel that affected every level of society and life. It's a gospel where God's selfless love in and for us, must be demonstrated through us, not just in the open where all can see, but behind closed doors, in the privacy of the family unit. Paul emphasises that a strong, God-fearing man, worthy of respect, is someone who chooses to love his wife selflessly. He is a living example of Christ in his own home, even forsaking his own needs for her wellbeing. Let's decide to open our hearts to receive and embrace God's love for us, and by His Spirit, cherish and love those that He has given us, by that same, selfless standard of love.