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A New Perspective

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Friday, 02 February 2018 | Reading taken from John 13:34 AMP

Under the law, God required His children to love Him with all their hearts, minds and strength. In the New Testament, Jesus gives us a completely new perspective on loving God with our all. He tells us to open our hearts and receive His love for us first. Then, with hearts full of His love, and with the same measure we have received, we reach out and extend that unconditional love to others. The most glorious part of this miracle is how, when we openly receive it, the power of God's love goes to work in our lives first. It heals, restores and makes us whole. It drives out all fear enabling and empowering us to love Him and others as we should. Loving God and others by our own standards will always be insufficient, disappointing and limited. But being loved by God's unlimited, unfailing, and unconditional love will always result in nothing less than the miraculous being poured in and through our lives! Surrender to His love today and watch the miracle grow in and through you!