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Asking with Confidence

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Wednesday, 10 January 2018 | Reading taken from John 15:7 (AMPC)

Jesus knew that when His words take up permanent residency in our hearts and minds, we will never ask for something that is out of His will for us. The Word we welcome into our lives, transforms our minds and influences our prayers. That's because we pray according to what He says in His Word about us. This kind of prayer gives us the confidence to boldly come into God's presence and make our requests known! We ask boldly because we already know what He wants to do in and through us. When we know we are praying according to the will of God, we don't sheepishly utter our requests. Rather, we boldly assert our faith and expect God to move on our behalf! God wants us to confidently come to Him in prayer. He loves us to seize His will for our lives, expecting it to be fulfilled. So fill your heart with His will, because He's just waiting for you to ask!