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Declare God's Word

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Monday, 08 January 2018 | Reading taken from Hebrews 4:12-13 (KJV)

Since God's Word is alive with His Spirit, it holds within its wisdom His supernatural, creative power. When we choose to believe what it says, apply it's truth to our lives and confidently declare its promises, hope comes. That earnest expectation is faith, and it has the ability to call and carry every promise from the realm of the spirit into the realm of the natural. Begin to find what God's Word says about you and all that concerns you. Then declare it over your life and your circumstances. All the while be sure to allow its truth and wisdom to penetrate into the very depth of your soul, cleansing and purging you of thoughts and intents that are not from His heart for you. When the power of God's Word is at work in our lives, nothing can remain as it is. All things are subject to change and conform to its authority. His Word is final, and will never fail to produce what it has been declared to do. Don't waste another moment living in lack or brokenness, begin to believe and speak the truth of God's Word over you, and be prepared for everything to change!