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Your Heart, the Garden of the Soul

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, 12 December 2017 | Reading taken from Luke 6:45 (KJV)

The Bible teaches us to think on things that are true and good (Philippians 4:8). That's because any thought we choose to meditate on, acts as a seed that develops roots and produces fruit in our lives. You see, the more attention we pay to a thought, the more we agree with and believe it. That thought becomes the conviction of our hearts. The question is, what kinds of seeds are we planting inside us? It's true we can't control the thoughts that enter our minds, but once they are there, we must be diligent to recognise whether they line up with the truth of God's Word or not. The fact about gardening, is the fruit produced always resembles the seed it comes from. I don't believe people deliberately plant bad seed. However, if we are not careful to guard which thoughts can stay and which must be cast out, and replaced by the truth of God's Word, the results can be devastating. Today, let's begin to take careful notice of what we constantly think about. If we choose to keep planting seed from the truth of God's Word, we are sure to grow fruit that's abundance speaks for itself.