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In Christ,You are Free

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Saturday, 09 December 2017 | Reading taken from John 1:17 (KJV)

To know that we have been transformed from death to life through forgiveness of sin when we made Jesus Lord over our lives, is so freeing. Sin brings with it such a weight of guilt and shame. Without personally experiencing the love and mercy of God that has been made available to us through His Son, we would remain in perpetual sorrow with no hope of freedom. Now, because of God's grace, we can live free from the bondage of sin, it no longer has a hold on us, nor does it have any power over us! In Jesus, we can embrace and fully give ourselves to living in the transforming power of His love and light and goodness! Every day we choose to walk in His love, and deliberately follow after His ways, we walk further away from the hopelessness sin brings, and deeper into the freedom His grace has so freely given us! Today, choose to hold dear the gift of His grace that has set you free! Live every moment being grateful for the peace and joy that is yours, just because you chose a life in Jesus over one enslaved by the cruelty of sin and all it brings.