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Shine the light

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Wednesday, 18 October 2017 | Reading taken from Matthew 5:14 (KJV)

Jesus said we are the light of the world. One very distinct characteristic of light is its ability to illuminate. It expels the darkness to reveal what was once hidden from sight. When the light of God shines radiantly in and through our lives, we become a beacon of hope to those who are lost around us. We show them a God Who loves them and is willing and eager to save them. Something else light illuminates, is the beauty of God's nature. As we allow the Spirit of God to transform our nature by His Word of truth, we become a showcase of His marvellous beauty and grace. We display His goodness and kindness to those who are void of Him. Today, as you yield to the light of God that is in you, your old nature will grow dim as His nature shines brighter for others to see. So draw close to Him, delight in His Word and let His light shine through you!