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Believe in Him

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Tuesday, 10 October 2017 | Reading taken from Mark 9:23 (NKJV)

In Mark 9, we learn about the anguish of a devoted father over his demon possessed son. The father was so desperate for his son to be free, but wasn't sure that Jesus would be able to do for him, what He had done for others. Jesus' words to Him answered his question and stirred up his faith to believe for the impossible. He said, "...all things are possible to Him who believes." Our trust in the ability of our God to work His mighty power in and through us, and on our behalf, is what causes the impossible to become possible in this life. Spend time getting to know your God, by His Spirit that lives inside you. And as you build your faith in His Word, it will catapult you into seeing and experiencing the impossible, because of your belief in Him.