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His Love Makes Us Overcome

by Dr Andre and Jenny Roebert
Friday, 06 October 2017 | Reading taken from Romans 8:37 (AMP)

The overwhelming victory we are able to obtain in this life is only possible, because of the undeniable and incomparable love of God. By sacrificing the life of His own Son, Who took the sin of the world upon Himself, Jesus made it possible for us to be free from sin's destructive power. Now we can live in Him. Through our intimate relationship with Jesus, we can know His wisdom and experience His peace and comfort. Every day He continues to prove His love for us through His mercy and faithfulness. Our victory in this life comes from truly knowing how much God loves us, and being able to confidently keep our entire trust in Him. No matter what you face today, know that because He lives in you, it is in your nature to overcome as you learn to lean completely on Him.